What Is a Prenup and Do I Need One?


What Is a Prenuptial Agreement, and Should I Have One?

A prenuptial agreement, or "prenup," is a legally binding contract created by a couple before marriage that outlines how assets, debts, and financial matters will be handled during the marriage and in the event of separation or divorce. In British Columbia, these agreements are governed by the Family Law Act (FLA) and are formally referred to as marriage agreements.

Key Features of a Prenuptial Agreement

1. Asset and Debt Division

  • Specifies how property and debts will be divided if the marriage ends.
  • Protects pre-marital assets, such as real estate, businesses, or inheritances, from being divided as family property.

2. Spousal Support

  • Can outline terms for spousal support, including waiving rights to support under specific conditions.
  • Courts may review these provisions for fairness.

3. Exclusions from Family Property

  • Identifies assets to remain separate, such as investments, gifts, or trusts.

4. Financial Expectations During the Marriage

  • Sets expectations for handling finances, including income sharing, savings, or responsibility for specific debts.

Should You Have a Prenuptial Agreement?

Whether you should have a prenup depends on your financial situation, personal circumstances, and future goals. Here are common scenarios where a prenup is beneficial:

Protecting Pre-Marital Assets

  • If you own significant property, a business, or investments before marriage, a prenup ensures they remain separate from family property subject to division.

Safeguarding Inheritances

  • Protects inheritances or assets you expect to receive in the future, ensuring they remain yours.

Business Ownership

  • If you own a business, a prenup can shield its value and prevent disruptions to operations in case of divorce.

Debt Management

  • Clarifies responsibility for debts incurred before or during the marriage, protecting one spouse from being liable for the other's debts.

Blended Families

  • Helps secure assets for children from a previous relationship, ensuring they are protected in the event of separation or death.

High Net Worth or Income Disparities

  • If there is a significant financial imbalance between partners, a prenup can outline terms to address financial fairness.

Advantages of Having a Prenuptial Agreement

Clarity and Certainty

  • Reduces uncertainty about financial matters and potential disputes.

Conflict Reduction

  • Prevents contentious legal battles over property and support in case of separation.

Customized Terms

  • Allows couples to craft agreements tailored to their unique circumstances.

Protection of Privacy

  • Keeps sensitive financial matters private, especially important for high-net-worth individuals.

Limitations of Prenuptial Agreements

Fairness Review

  • Courts can set aside a prenup if it is deemed significantly unfair or if one party did not fully disclose assets before signing.

Changing Circumstances

  • Life changes (e.g., having children, career shifts) may require updates to the agreement.

Cannot Address Parenting Arrangements

  • Custody or parenting time decisions cannot be pre-determined in a prenup, as courts prioritize the child’s best interests.

Example in a Vancouver Context

A Vancouver-based entrepreneur entering a second marriage owns a tech startup and several rental properties. They create a prenuptial agreement to:

  • Exclude the business and properties from family property division.
  • Ensure spousal support terms are clear if the marriage ends.
  • Protect a trust set aside for their children from the previous marriage.

Seek Legal Assistance

If you’re considering a prenuptial agreement, consult Mills Family Law and our experienced Vancouver family law agreement lawyers to ensure your agreement is fair, legally enforceable, and protects your financial future. Call us at 778-945-3003 or fill out our web form to get started today.

Related FAQs

For more information, refer to the BC Family Law Act or consult a family lawyer for tailored advice.